Installing Python

If you already have python3 on your machine, you should be good to go for the programming problems.

If you don’t, please follow these directions to download Python and PyCharm (you’re welcome to use any IDE that you want, we semi-arbitrarily picked PyCharm).


  1. Install Python 3.6.4 (If you have a different version of Python, you still must install 3.6.4 seperately!):

    1. Download the executable x86-64 installer from

    2. Run the installer.

    3. Choose the “Custom Installation” option.

    4. If asked, check “Add Python to environment variables” and “Install for all users”; leave all other options at their default values.

  2. Install PyCharm Community Edition 2020.2.1:

    1. Download the executable installer from

    2. Run the installer.

    3. If asked, check “Create associations” - “.py”; leave all other options at their default values.

Mac OS X

  1. Install Python 3.6.4 (If you have a different version of Python, you still must install 3.6.4 seperately!):

    1. Download the installer from

    2. Run the installer.

    3. Choose the “Custom Installation” option.

    4. If asked, check “Add Python to environment variables” and “Install for all users”; leave all other options at their default values.

  2. Install PyCharm Community Edition 2020.2.1:

    1. Download the dmg disk image from

    2. Drag the icon to the Applications folder.