This is an archived page from the Fall 2019 version of the course. For the latest version, see

Preparing for Exam 3

Exam 3 will be Wednesday, 4 December at the normal class time in the normal classroom. We will aim to start the exam right at 3:30pm, so you will benefit from arriving early for class Wednesday to be settled and ready to start the exam. This is the final exam for the class and we will not use the registrar-scheduled final exam time, but recall from the course syllabus that there will still be an opportunity for students who feel they were “not be able to demonstrate their best ability during a 75 minute in-class exam, … to request an oral final exam to be scheduled with one of the instructors during the exam period.”

Exam 3 will cover material from the entire course, with an emphasis on material that has been covered since Exam 2 (Classes 17-24, Problem Set 7, and Chapters 11-14 in the TCS book). It will definitely also include some problems on earlier topics such as Boolean circuits, infinite cardinalities, and computability, and some questions designed to ask you to synthesize things you have learned throughout the course.

As a reminder from the syllabus, you may construct a one-page (letter-size, two-sided) reference sheet for use during the exam, but all other resources are forbidden (no internet, textbook, other humans, magnification instruments, etc.). We expect that students will benefit from thinking about what to put on your reference sheet in preparing for the exam, and you may work with anyone you want (including other students in the class) to prepare a reference sheets together.